Wednesday 9 March 2016

830-506 LVCIP Leading Virtual Classroom Instruction - Practical

830-506 LVCIP
Leading Virtual Classroom Instruction - Practical

Exam Number 830-506
Associated Certifications Virtual Classroom Instruction Specialist
Duration 20 - 27 minutes

The Practical Exam for Cisco Virtual Classroom Instruction Specialist assesses the candidate's ability to lead a virtual classroom session with live participants using the techniques and best practices of skilled virtual instructors. Candidates submit a 20-27-minute Cisco WebEx recording in which they demonstrate the skills listed in the Practical Exam Topics. The recordings receive a Pass or Fail score. Candidates must pass both the 810-502 LVCI Written Exam and the 830-506 LVCIP Practical Exam to obtain certification.

Practical Exam Overview
The Practical Exam for Cisco Virtual Classroom Instruction Specialist assesses the candidate’s ability to lead a virtual classroom session with live participants using the techniques and best practices of skilled virtual instructors. Candidates submit a 20-27-minute Cisco WebEx recording in which they demonstrate the skills listed in the Practical Exam Topics. The recordings receive a Pass or Fail score. Candidates must pass both the 810-501 LVCI Written Exam and the 830-505 LVCIP Practical Exam to obtain certification.

The following is the recommended training for this exam:
Cisco Leading Virtual Classroom Instruction (LVCI) is a live, virtual instructor-led course that develops the skills to prepare and manage a virtual classroom, effectively deliver material online, and use collaboration tools and techniques to increase student participation and comprehension. The course is appropriate for instructors in career training or academic environments, who are either new to virtual training or want to learn new skills to present engaging and impactful virtual sessions. The course consists of 17 ½ hours of live virtual instruction, ~12 hours of self-paced activities and 6 hours of participant presentations, delivered over five consecutive days. The course is presented by Cisco WebEx University instructors, who have collectively delivered over 40,000 virtual training sessions and have first-hand experience with the techniques and best practices covered in the course.

Requirements for the Practical Exam
Candidates should read all of the following requirements before registering for the Practical Exam. To pass the Practical Exam, candidates must record themselves leading a virtual classroom session with live participants and demonstrating the virtual classroom instruction techniques and best practices, as listed in the Practical Exam Topics. In addition, each recording must satisfy the requirements listed below. A recording that does not meet these minimum requirements will receive a failing score.

The session can be taken from a course of any length, on any topic. In addition to submitting the demo, candidates must complete a questionnaire (login) that provides context for the recording and helps judges score the recording appropriately. Candidates must use the same CSCO ID number on both the questionnaire and the demonstration recording.
The session must have between 6 and 16 live participants. The behavior and actions of participants is not being judged, only the behavior and actions of the instructor.
The recording must be at least 20 minutes and no more than 27 minutes in length. Select any portion of a classroom session that you believe demonstrates your abilities as a virtual classroom instructor and meets Cisco’s requirements, as listed in the Practical Exam Topics.

In order to preserve the continuity of the session, you will only be allowed one break (one stop and restart) in the recording. This break can only be used for a structured learning activity that is not easily shown as part of the session or takes place outside of the session. Such activities may include, but are not limited to: break-out group activities, lab activities, offline reading assignments, web scavenger hunts, watching a video, etc. The recording must show the instructor introducing the activity, dismissing the learners to complete the activity, and reconvening the learners after completion of the activity.

Currently, we can accept only recordings which are made using the Cisco WebEx conferencing platform and saved to the candidate’s hard drive. Candidates who do not have WebEx deployed in their organization, can obtain a Cisco WebEx 14-day trial copy to record their practical exam demonstration. Recordings must be saved using the WebEx local recording option, rather than the default WebEx network recording option. A local recording is a file that is saved on your computer’s hard drive and has an *.arf or *.wrf file extension. A network recording is saved to a WebEx server, cannot be downloaded, and is only available for a short time.

To generate a local recording, go to the WebEx Meeting menu and choose Recorder Settings. There you will see the option to create a local recording. Once you have selected the local recording option, just press the Record button on the WebEx interface or choose Start Recording from the Meeting menu.

Candidates can view their completed recording prior to submission and are encouraged to assess their performance against the Practical Exam Topics and ensure it represents their best effort. Instructions on how to ensure the audio and screen display in your recording are synchronized, are available at Synchronizing WebEx Recordings.

Once you are satisfied with your demonstration, you are ready to submit it for grading to Cisco’s official testing partner Pearson VUE. You should have your final recording and completed questionnaire ready to upload before logging onto the Pearson site, as you will be immediately directed to the upload site. Candidates will be asked to verify their identity and sign an authorization to release the recording for grading purposes.

Grading of the Exam
Each recorded demonstration will be reviewed by two independent certification specialists and scored according to the list of candidate expectations (Practical Exam Topics). Each grader will assign a Pass or Fail score. In cases where the two independent graders do not agree, a third grader will review the demonstration to determine the final outcome. Candidates who do not receive a passing grade will receive a list of the areas in which they did not exhibit sufficient skill. Results will be emailed to you by Pearson VUE within 6 weeks. The length of time required to grade the exam is dependent on the schedules of the two or three graders required to review the recording. Candidates can review your official exam results and certification status anytime by logging into the Certification Tracking System using the CSCO ID number that is assigned during registration for the very first Cisco certification exam. Please use the same number for any and all subsequent exam attempts.

Submitting Your Exam
Only candidates that have a passing score on the written exam may register for and submit a practical demonstration recording. Candidates will register for the Practical Exam with Pearson VUE.

When you register for the Practical Exam (#830-505 LVCIP), you will be asked to upload two files; one is the recording of the virtual class session and the second file is a short questionnaire (login required), in which you describe the context of your recording. Copy this text-based LVCIP Questionnaire to your hard drive, answer the questions about your recording, save it with a new file name, and be ready to upload it during the registration process at Pearson VUE. If you have any questions about preparation of your Practical Exam demonstration recording, contact Certification Support and they can assist you.

Exam Description
The Practical Exam for Cisco Virtual Classroom Instruction Specialist assesses the candidate's ability to lead a virtual classroom session with live participants using the techniques and best practices of skilled virtual instructors. Candidates submit a 20-27-minute Cisco WebEx recording in which they demonstrate the skills listed in the Practical Exam Topics. The recordings receive a Pass or Fail score. Candidates must pass both the 810-502 LVCI Written Exam and the 830-506 LVCIP Practical Exam to obtain certification.

The following topics are general guidelines for the content likely to be included on the exam. However, other related topics may also appear on any specific delivery of the exam. In order to better reflect the contents of the exam and for clarity purposes, the guidelines below may change at any time without notice.

1.0 Prepare Yourself and Your Physical and Virtual Environment for Conducting an Effective Virtual Classroom Session

1.1 Set up the trainer's physical and virtual environment including preparing the attendee environment

1.2 Prepare yourself for facilitating in a virtual training environment

1.3 Develop contingency plans for common difficulties

1.4 Review course materials and address any areas that are unclear or may lead to learner confusion
2.0 Demonstrate Effective Classroom Management Skills in a Virtual Classroom Setting

2.1 Implement contingency plans to manage disruptions

2.2 Keep sessions on track by responding to questions, keeping participants focused, and encouraging participation

2.3 Apply time management strategies effectively
3.0 Provide Clear Instruction and Guidance to Learners

3.1 Present content in a logical flow and order

3.2 Use a pace appropriate for students, learning objectives and learning material

3.3 Describe concepts in a clear and complete manner, using relevant examples
4.0 Demonstrate Effective Presentation Skills in a Virtual Classroom Setting

4.1 Present content in a logical flow and order

4.2 Use a pace appropriate for students, learning objectives and learning material

4.3 Describe concepts in a clear and complete manner, using relevant examples

4.4 Transition effectively between topics and instructional elements
5.0 Select and Effectively Use Tools for Presentation and Collaboration that are Appropriate for Achieving Intended Learning Objective or Desired Result

5.1 Use annotation tools to focus attention to relevant content

5.2 Use sharing features when appropriate, including application, presentation, desktop, etc.

5.3 Use white boarding or white space to enhance instruction or group process

5.4 Use collaboration tools when appropriate, including annotation, chat, Q&A, polling, video, pass presenter role, remote control
6.0 Demonstrate Use of Voice Modulation and Effective Audio Techniques

6.1 Uses appropriate modulation, vocal inflection, tone, and volume (e.g., varies pitch and emphasis to avoid speaking in monotone)

6.2 Conveys energy and enthusiasm (e.g., puts a smile in his/her voice)

6.3 Makes appropriate vocal adjustments (e.g., adjusts pace or volume) in response to participant feedback

6.4 Creates an effective audio environment (e.g., ensures a quiet presentation space, and that participants have audio as they join)

6.5 Limit use of filler words (e.g., um, ah, you know, etc.)
7.0 Assess Student Comprehension Using Effective Instructional Practices

7.1 Check in at regular intervals to gauge comprehension

7.2 Adjust instruction based on feedback and/or behavioral cues from participants

7.3 Evaluate knowledge levels by asking questions that assess how well participants can recall, understand, and/or apply session content

7.4 Reviews content or adjusts pace of delivery to enhance comprehension if required
8.0 Manage Participation Effectively

8.1 Employ effective questioning skills to involve learners: ask open-ended questions; wait after asking questions, let people volunteer

8.2 Ensure most participants are responding and interacting at the desired level

8.3 Gauge when to control the facilitation process versus when to let interaction flow

8.4 Facilitate interaction between participants to achieve balanced participation among class members

8.5 Define how participants should participate (use chat, raise hand icon, speak up) and reinforce desired behavior
9.0 Maintain a Positive Learning Environment

9.1 Build rapport with students

9.2 Establish and maintain credibility with learners

9.3 Create a safe and comfortable environment that is conducive to the learning process

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