Exam Title: Java SE 11 Programmer II
Exam Number: 1Z0-816
Exam Price: Rs.22,584 More on exam pricing
Format: Multiple Choice
Duration: 180 Minutes
Number of Questions: 80
Passing Score: 63%
Validated Against: This exam has been validated against Java 11
Associated Certification Paths Passing this exam is required to earn these certifications. Select each
certification title below to view full requirements.
Oracle Certified Professional: Java SE 11 Developer
Oracle Certified Professional: Java SE 11 Developer (Upgrade from OCA Java 7 &
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Complete one of the courses below to prepare for your exam (optional): Java SE: Programming II
Java Programming Learning Subscription
Core Java Learning Subscription
Unlimited Product Learning Subscription
Additional Preparation and Information A combination of Oracle training and hands-on experience (attained via labs
and/or field experience) provides the best preparation for passing the exam.
Java SE 11 Certification Overview and Sample Questions
Java Fundamentals Create and use final classes
Create and use inner, nested and anonymous classes
Create and use enumerations
Java Interfaces Create and use interfaces with default methods
Create and use interfaces with private methods
Functional Interface and Lambda Expressions Define and write functional interfaces
Create and use lambda expressions including statement lambdas, local-variable
for lambda parameters
Built-in Functional Interfaces Use interfaces from the java.util.function package
Use core functional interfaces including Predicate, Consumer, Function and
Use primitive and binary variations of base interfaces of java.util.function
Migration to a Modular Application Migrate the application developed using a Java version prior to SE 9 to SE
11 including top-down and bottom-up migration, splitting a Java SE 8 application
into modules for migration
Use jdeps to determine dependencies and identify ways to address the cyclic
Concurrency Create worker threads using Runnable, Callable and use an ExecutorService to
concurrently execute tasks
Use java.util.concurrent collections and classes including CyclicBarrier and
Write thread-safe code
Identify threading problems such as deadlocks and livelocks
I/O (Fundamentals and NIO2) Read data from and write console and file data using I/O Streams
Use I/O Streams to read and write files
Read and write objects by using serialization
Use the Path interface to operate on file and directory paths
Use the Files class to check, delete, copy or move a file or directory
Use the Stream API with Files
Database Applications with JDBC Connect to databases using JDBC URLs and DriverManager
Use PreparedStatement to perform CRUD operations
Use PreparedStatement and CallableStatement APIs to perform database operations
Annotations Describe the purpose of annotations and typical usage patterns
Apply annotations to classes and methods
Describe commonly used annotations in the JDK
Declare custom annotations
Exception Handling and Assertions Use the try-with-resources construct
Create and use custom exception classes
Test invariants by using assertions
Generics and Collections Use wrapper classes, autoboxing and autounboxing
Create and use generic classes, methods with diamond notation and wildcards
Describe the Collections Framework and use key collection interfaces
Use Comparator and Comparable interfaces
Create and use convenience methods for collections
Java Stream API Describe the Stream interface and pipelines
Use lambda expressions and method references
Lambda Operations on Streams Extract stream data using map, peek and flatMap methods
Search stream data using search findFirst, findAny, anyMatch, allMatch and
noneMatch methods
Use the Optional class
Perform calculations using count, max, min, average and sum stream operations
Sort a collection using lambda expressions
Use Collectors with streams, including the groupingBy and partitioningBy
Services in a Modular Application Describe the components of Services including directives
Design a service type, load services using ServiceLoader, check for dependencies
of the services including consumer and provider modules
Parallel Streams Develop code that uses parallel streams
Implement decomposition and reduction with streams
Secure Coding in Java SE Application Prevent Denial of Service in Java applications
Secure confidential information in Java application
Implement Data integrity guidelines- injections and inclusion and input
Prevent external attack of the code by limiting Accessibility and Extensibility,
properly handling input validation, and mutability
Securely constructing sensitive objects
Secure Serialization and Deserialization
Localization Use the Locale class
Use resource bundles
Format messages, dates, and numbers with Java
QUESTION 1 Given the code fragment:
Path currentFile = Paths.get(“/scratch/exam/temp.txt”);
Path outputFile = Paths get(“/scratch/exam/new.txt”);
Path directory = Paths.get(“/scratch/”);
Files.copy(currentFile, outputFile);
Files.copy(outputFile, directory);
Files.delete (outputFile);
The /scratch/exam/temp.txt file exists. The /scratch/exam/new.txt and /scratch/new.txt
files do not exist.
What is the result?
A. /scratch/exam/new.txt and /scratch/new.txt are deleted.
B. The program throws a FileaAlreadyExistsException.
C. The program throws a NoSuchFileException.
D. A copy of /scratch/exam/new.txt exists in the /scratch directory and
/scratch/exam/new.txt is deleted.
Correct Answer: C
QUESTION 2 Which code fragment does a service use to load the service provider with a
Print interface?
A. private Print print = com.service.Provider.getInstance();
B. private java.util.ServiceLoader<Print> loader = ServiceLoader.load (Print.class);
C. private java.util.ServiceLoader<Print> loader = new java.util.ServiceLoader<>();
D. private Print print = new com.service.Provider.PrintImpl();
Correct Answer: B
var fruits = List.of(“apple”, “orange”, “banana”, “lemon”);
You want to examine the first element that contains the character n.
Which statement will accomplish this?
A. String result = fruits.stream().filter(f −> f.contains(“n”)).findAny();
B. fruits.stream().filter(f −> f.contains(“n”)).forEachOrdered(System.out::print);
C. Optional<String> result = fruits.stream().filter(f −> f.contains (“n”)).findFirst
D. Optional<String> result = fruits.stream().anyMatch(f −> f.contains(“n”));